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Character Concepts

A medieval/fantasy/no-idea yet genre book I'm figuring out as I go.  This was the initial sketch I worked on for Aaliyah of The Marked Series, but it became the concept piece of Slyvanna Mawessa, but as time goes, I have brought a few minor changes to the character's appearance...


Likely to release late 2017/2018



Unknown name so far, but working with Simone at this stage...


FLY (Free Like You), as part of the Like You Holiday Collection, is another loss and love filled novella that is in the works for a 2017 release.



A medieval/fantasy/no-idea yet genre book I'm figuring out as I go.  This is the character concept piece of Ziad Achiva (male protagonist), but my skills aren't that great so the character's appearance in my mind is MUCH HOTTER!!!



Likely to release late 2017/2018


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