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Author Quickie with...Joy Eileen


These are the most random Qs I could find and come up with, but it is to show readers how authors are just like them or maybe so different that they are their own species. I have several awesome authors already lined up, but don't let it scare you to take part though. I'll be sharing with you all; the answers to the set questions and introduce you to some awesome people, and later, all of this will be used in a statistical type blog. Hopefully, we can keep this going for as long as possible and gain as many author's inputs to make this thing grow.

But it doesn't stop there:

~If you are an author who is interested in taking part in this silly game of mine; message, email or find me on a social network.

~If you are a reader and wanna take part; do the same and become part of the fun. (It'll be really cool to have your stats as well.)

~If you are none of the, shame. Anyway, if you are an artist, a doctor, a barista or just randomly ended up here; bring it on and we can have a little fun when the stats have grown.

Joy Eileen

Morning person or night owl?

Night Owl. The only time I am a morning person is when I stayed up all night. Like clowns, I feel that morning people are inhuman.

Coffee, tea or neither?

If by Coffee or tea you mean Diet Pepsi then yes. I drink tea more than coffee.

EBooks or printed books?

I had to switch to eBooks. The amount of printed books I own was starting to get out of hand. To save my family from an avalanche I moved to Ebooks. Now when I read a printed book I have been known to swipe at the page to get it to turn. Yes, it is embarrassing and I look around to make sure nobody saw me.

Bookmark or dog-ear pages?

Bookmark I always had a hard time ruining books. Now the amount of papers and magazines that have lost their pages to make a bookmark may seem hypocritical.

Extrovert or Introvert?

Introvert with a touch of extrovert. My anxiety will ratchet up to code red when I have to be around people. I have been known to use the squid tactic when around people I don't know. This is where I swear using the F word like a comma. Kind of like inking a squid would do. Most people will clear a space to get a way from me.

Now if I like you or I don't feel threatened I will be the funny and outgoing. Well I think I'm funny.

Secret talents? If so, what are they?

I can stress about the littlest thing. Making a big deal out of the slightest thing and blowing it out of proportion.

I can sew. Not very well but I like doing it.

I seem to be a pretty good massage therapist as I'm always booked with my nakeds.

If you had a superpower, what would it be?

Well, I am Batman. My trampstamp proves it.

I guess I would want the ability to read minds.

What is your biggest fear?

Oh so many many things. I have a weird fear of clowns and sharks. My greatest fear is failing and letting people down.

You have three wishes, what are they?

1. For my family to be happy

2. For my family to be healthy

3. To be able to eat anything and not gain weight.

If you could forever break one habit, what would it be?

My low self-esteem. Constantly thinking I'm not good enough.

Your favourite:

Colour - Green

Animal - tie between a turtle and lyger

Mythical Creature - Dragon

Author - Margaret Mitchell

Book - Too many to answer.

Movie - Anything with a happy ending. Yes, as a massage therapist this is bad thing to say.

Music Genre - Rock N Roll and Heavy Metal.

TV Show - Friday Night Lights, Dexter. I really don't watch much TV

Place to Read - Anywhere with a book

Food - Avocados are my weakness.

Beverage (Alcoholic and/or Non-Alcoholic) - Diet Pepsi and Red Liquorice Vodka

Dessert - Yes please

Word - Fuck

Season - Winter

Procrastination method - Facebook

Turn on or turn off

Accents - Turn on

Surprises - Turn off. I read the back of books to see how the end before I read it. I need to make sure I like the ending.

Shyness - Turn on

Quiet Places - Turn on

Loud Places - Turn on if it is a concert

Dimples - Huge turn on

Glasses - Turn on

Scars - Yummy

Games - Turn off

Comic Books - Turn off

What is your motto?

What would Batman do?

See you on the other side!


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