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Author Quickie with...Adam M Booth


These are the most random Qs I could find and come up with, but it is to show readers how authors are just like them or maybe so different that they are their own species. I have several awesome authors already on board, but don't let it scare you to take part though. I'll be sharing with you all; the answers to the set questions and introduce you to some awesome people, and later, all of this will be used in a statistical type blog. Hopefully, we can keep this going for as long as possible and gain as many author's inputs to make this thing grow.

But it doesn't stop there:

~If you are an author who is interested in taking part in this silly game of mine; message, email or find me on a social network.

~If you are a reader and wanna take part; do the same and become part of the fun. (It'll be really cool to have your stats as well.)

~If you are none of the, shame. Anyway, if you are an artist, a doctor, a barista or just randomly ended up here; bring it on and we can have a little fun when the stats have grown.

Adam M Booth

Morning person or night owl?

Definitely a morning person. I like to get up early and do some exercise then drinks lots of coffee and read about twenty websites before I go to work.

Coffee, tea or neither?

Both! Also I have a thing for unsweetened cocoa at the moment.

EBooks or printed books?

I do love to read a printed book, in fact I’m reading one at the moment (McGlue by Ottessa Moshfegh), but most of the books I read now are on my kindle. It’s just so practical. I love how you can store hundreds on there at once and increase the font size.

Bookmark or dog-ear pages?

Dog ear! I think a well thumbed book is the sign of a good story.

Extrovert or Introvert?


Secret talents? If so, what are they?

They’re so secret I don’t even know what they are!

If you had a superpower, what would it be?

Either shapeshifting or invisibility. Or better yet a shapeshifter that can become invisible.

And live forever. And fly.

What is your biggest fear?

Flying. Well I don’t actually mind the flying, it’s the crashing part I’m afraid of.

You have three wishes, what are they?

1. To be a successful author.

2. To see the world.

3. To exist in a state of constant, zen-like peace.

If you could forever break one habit, what would it be?

Being self critical.

Your favourite:

Colour - Blue

Animal - Chinchilla

Mythical Creature - A unicorn version of a chinchilla

Author - Clive Barker

Book - In Strange Room

Movie - The Lego Movie

Music Genre - Anything moody. The more miserable the better! Radiohead, Antony & The Johnsons. Stuff like that.

TV Show - I’m really into Mr Robot at the moment, but 30 Rock is probably my favourite TV show ever.

Place to Read - On a hammock in the sun but in the shade in some distant country where no-one knows me.

Food - Pizza.

Beverage (Alcoholic and/or Non-Alcoholic) - Red wine or water if I’m behaving myself.

Dessert - My Grandma’s Apple Pie.

Word - Uroboric

Season - Summer

Procrastination method - Reddit, Reddit, Reddit.

Turn on or turn off

Accents - Yes

Surprises - No

Shyness - No

Quiet Places - Yes

Loud Places - Yes

Dimples - Yes

Glasses - Yes

Scars - Yes

Games - Yes

Comic Books - Yes

What is your motto?

Everything will be ok in the end, if it’s not ok, it’s not the end.


All there is is all there is and all there is is enough.

See you on the other side!


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