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Author Quickie with...Connie Cockrell


These are the most random Qs I could find and come up with, but it is to show readers how authors are just like them or maybe so different that they are their own species. I have several awesome authors already lined up, but don't let it scare you to take part though. I'll be sharing with you all; the answers to the set questions and introduce you to some awesome people, and later, all of this will be used in a statistical type blog. Hopefully, we can keep this going for as long as possible and gain as many author's inputs to make this thing grow.

But it doesn't stop there:

~If you are an author who is interested in taking part in this silly game of mine; message, email or find me on a social network.

~If you are a reader and wanna take part; do the same and become part of the fun. (It'll be really cool to have your stats as well.)

~If you are none of the, shame. Anyway, if you are an artist, a doctor, a barista or just randomly ended up here; bring it on and we can have a little fun when the stats have grown.

Connie Cockrell

Morning person or night owl?

I'm a morning person. I get up easily and go on about my day bright-eyed and bushy tailed. On the other hand, I stay up late writing or in my favourite chat room talking to other authors. Maybe I'm both!

Coffee, tea or neither?

Tea! I do drink the occasional coffee, usually at restaurants that have 10 year old tea bags and use lukewarm tap water. The rest of the time I'm a water kind of girl unless I'm drinking iced tea.

EBooks or printed books?

Printed books for sure. I do read ebooks but I love print the best.

Bookmark or dog-ear pages?

I cringe when I see a book's page corners turned down. I'll use anything as a book mark, even the corner torn off of the newspaper, even though I have a ton of bookmarks lying around the house.

Extrovert or Introvert?

I'm an introvert. I like going to parties and get togethers but once there I hover around the food or sit in a spot away from the action. I'm usually ready to go home after an hour.

Secret talents? If so, what are they?

I can bring rain. Let me start a six day backpacking trip and I guarantee you it will rain for five of the six days. No lie!

If you had a superpower, what would it be?

I would love to be able to teleport, myself and other things. I could just blink, like I Dream of Jeanie, and instantly be in Japan or Australia, or any of the other places I'd like to see on my bucket list. And being able to teleport others, well, when my Mom would like to visit, blink, and she'd be at my house without the hassle of 12 hours on a plane.

What is your biggest fear?

Hmmm, that's a toughie. I think it would be of being elderly and destitute. My heart breaks when I hear about the elderly losing their homes because they can't pay the mortgage or the taxes. Where do they go? Who helps them?

You have three wishes, what are they?

1. That everyone has good health.

2. That everyone has enough to eat.

3. That I win enough lottery money to travel the world. (I had to have one just for me, right?)

If you could forever break one habit, what would it be?

I do like my wine in the evening. I would break that habit, I think.

Your favourite:

Colour - Green

Animal - Dog

Mythical Creature - Unicorn

Author – C. J. Cherryh

Book – The Foundation by Isaac Asimov

Movie – Star Trek

Music Genre – 70's and 80's pop

TV Show – Firefly

Place to Read – Any where at all.

Food – Pasta, Gluten free of course.

Beverage (Alcoholic and/or Non-Alcoholic) – water/wine

Dessert – crème brule

Word – hoople-head

Season – Fall. What's not to like?

Procrastination method – Facebook games

Turn on or turn off

Accents - on

Surprises - on

Shyness - meh

Quiet Places - on

Loud Places - off

Dimples - meh

Glasses - meh

Scars - off

Games – on, board games mostly

Comic Books - off

What is your motto?

I've never really had a motto but it could be, just do it. So many people talk about what they want to do but they never get around to it. Just start and keep going!

See you on the other side!


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