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Author Quickie with...Kelly St. Clare


These are the most random Qs I could find and come up with, but it is to show readers how authors are just like them or maybe so different that they are their own species. I have several awesome authors already lined up, but don't let it scare you to take part though. I'll be sharing with you all; the answers to the set questions and introduce you to some awesome people, and later, all of this will be used in a statistical type blog. Hopefully, we can keep this going for as long as possible and gain as many author's inputs to make this thing grow.

But it doesn't stop there:

~If you are an author who is interested in taking part in this silly game of mine; message, email or find me on a social network.

~If you are a reader and wanna take part; do the same and become part of the fun. (It'll be really cool to have your stats as well.)

~If you are none of the, shame. Anyway, if you are an artist, a doctor, a barista or just randomly ended up here; bring it on and we can have a little fun when the stats have grown.

Kelly St. Clare

Morning person or night owl? I am an either-end-of-the-day kind of person, sufferer of 3:30itis, and lover of nanna naps.

Coffee, tea or neither?

Tea! Bleh, coffee. There’s a normal love of tea, then there is that next level. That’s where I am. I like a too-hot mix of English Breakfast and Earl Grey. When I’m out at a café I ask them to put both of those bags into the pot. F.U.S.S.Y much?

EBooks or printed books?

E-books for convenience and cost. Print for my favourites.

Bookmark or dog-ear pages?

….dog-ear. I’M SO SORRY. I’m trying to use bookmarks, I really am!

Extrovert or Introvert?

I took a quiz which told me I’m a mix of both. Simultaneously, anti-social and attention-seeking, lol. Which, if I’m being nice to myself, means once you know me, you can’t shut me up. Too many of my ideas require me to be an extrovert, though it often feels unnatural. I’m gonna say Introvert to Extrovert is 3:1.

Secret talents? If so, what are they?

I’m a muso! Guitar, piano, singing, love it. I can do some cool tricks with devil sticks (randomly). And I can do that bird call noise with my hands.

If you had a superpower, what would it be? Glitter farts. I have two reasons. One: No one would ever want to make an experiment out of me to study the phenomenon for government use - as we all know, this is the greatest threat to most superheroes. Two: I figure it would make everyone happy. Something that incorporates toilet humour AND sparkly stuff. I’ll be like the realistic female version of Edward Cullen...kinda? But now I think about it. Would farting glitter be the equivalent of having sand in your pants? And who would clean it up? Cleaning up glitter sucks. …Let’s hope this decision doesn’t come back to haunt me.

What is your biggest fear?

Heights and Zombies. Like, my worst fear ever would be tandem skydiving with a zombie instuctor. *shudder* Guess what nightmare I’m having tonight, guys?

You have three wishes, what are they?

1. To have a portal to Hogwarts in my closet.

2. To never run out of books.

3. To be able to talk to animals.

If you could forever break one habit, what would it be?

Waking up at 6:47am on a weekend.

Your favourite:

Colour - Forest green

Animal - Hippo!

Mythical Creature - Hippogriff (because it has the word ‘hippo’ in it)

Author - Constantly changes. I have ‘at the moment’ Authors. But Jane Austen, JK Rowling, Emily Rhodda, and John Marsden are some of my all time favourites.

Book - Pride & Prejudice

Movie - The Boat that Rocked

Music Genre - Indie Rock/Blues/Soul

TV Show - Argh, so many! Merlin, The 100, I used to be obsessed with Dragon Ball Z as a teen. True Blood. I’m watching Shadowhunters at the moment.

Place to Read - Bed and Couch, usually upside-down. Don’t ask.

Food - Chocolate

Beverage (Alcoholic and/or Non-Alcoholic) - Tea.

Dessert - I don’t discriminate.

Word - That’s hard! I love them all - except mucus, moist, and phlegm.

Season - For Melbourne? I would say Autumn. Not too hot, not too cold. Frosty mornings and warm days. And beautiful colours.

Procrastination method - So many that I try to avoid! Chatting to other Authors would be the worst.

Turn on or turn off

Accents - ON

Surprises - ON

Shyness - ON

Quiet Places - ON

Loud Places - ON

Dimples - ON

Glasses - Hmm. I don’t think I’d mind either way. I figure poor eyesight could work in my favour on my ugly days.

Scars - ON

Games - Like video games? OFF. But like a freakin’ scavenger hunt? ON

Comic Books - If I was already attracted to someone I would find this cute. If I wasn’t, this could be the last straw.

What is your motto?

She believed she could, and so she did.

See you on the other side!


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