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Author Quickie with...Krysten Lindsay Hager


These are the most random Qs I could find and come up with, but it is to show readers how authors are just like them or maybe so different that they are their own species. I have several awesome authors already lined up, but don't let it scare you to take part though. I'll be sharing with you all; the answers to the set questions and introduce you to some awesome people, and later, all of this will be used in a statistical type blog. Hopefully, we can keep this going for as long as possible and gain as many author's inputs to make this thing grow.

But it doesn't stop there:

~If you are an author who is interested in taking part in this silly game of mine; message, email or find me on a social network.

~If you are a reader and wanna take part; do the same and become part of the fun. (It'll be really cool to have your stats as well.)

~If you are none of the, shame. Anyway, if you are an artist, a doctor, a barista or just randomly ended up here; bring it on and we can have a little fun when the stats have grown.

Krysten Lindsay Hager

Morning person or night owl? Definitely a night owl. I don’t like mornings at all.

Coffee, tea or neither?

Tea, but my real love is Pepsi.

EBooks or printed books?

Ooh, tough one. I like being able to carry around 100 books at once with my Kindle, but I also like printed books for times when I want to underlined and highlight stuff. I guess paper for non-fiction and ebooks for novels would be the way to go.

Bookmark or dog-ear pages?

I love those cute magnetic bookmarks that are like food items with smiley faces, but I admit I do dog-ear at times. I know, I know *dips head in shame*

Extrovert or Introvert?

When I was in college I did that introvert/extrovert test for extra credit in psychology and the girl running the test got super frustrated with me because I ended up scoring right down the middle with just a few more answers on the extrovert side and her whole paper was based on people being one or the other. I’ll never forget she looked at me and said, “So my question to you is, who is Krysten?” I thought, a little bit of both! I think that’s why I can write all kinds of characters though because I can relate to both sides.

Secret talents? If so, what are they?

I have a sixth sense about people and events. I’ve noticed if I use someone—usually a celebrity as an inspiration for a story that often times what I write for the character ends up happening in that real person’s life. It’s so weird—how does that even happen? Sometimes it’s so strange that I take it out of the story because I think, no one will ever believe I wrote it first. My family and my writing group members are a bit creeped out by it because they’ll hear the stuff beforehand so they know it was written before it happened! My friend always tells me to write about her winning the lottery.

If you had a superpower, what would it be?

I’d like to be invisible because I’d love to be a fly on the wall and just listen in and observe other people’s conversations. I’m kind of snoopy that way.

What is your biggest fear?

People close to me getting sick or dying.

You have three wishes, what are they?

1. I feel obligated to say world peace, but you know, I wouldn’t mind a trip to the U.K. either

2. I’d love to have my dream library. Just built-in bookshelves for days and it’d need to be temperature controlled so the books stay fresh. I have tons of pictures of libraries on my Pinterest page for inspiration.

3. I wouldn’t mind creating my own animated show or writing for one like American Dad.

If you could forever break one habit, what would it be?

I’d say overthinking, but that does help me write, so maybe my worrying habit.

Your favourite:

Colour - Orchid

Animal – white tigers

Mythical Creature – unicorn—I love Tokidoki little unicorns

Author – Gabrielle Bernstein for non-fiction, F. Scott Fitzgerald for fiction

Book – The Great Gatsby

Movie – Breakfast at Tiffany’s

Music Genre – Pop music

TV Show – American Dad

Place to Read – On my loveseat on a rainy day

Food – I love rice pasta

Beverage (Alcoholic and/or Non-Alcoholic) – Pepsi, Pepsi, Pepsi!

Dessert – Chocolate dipped frozen bananas that I call choccie bananas

Word – I have never been asked this before, but I’d say, “miracles.”

Season - Spring

Procrastination method – Watching TV. I’m kind of addicted to it.

Turn on or turn off

Accents – Depends on the accent! I like Polish and Russian accents the best

Surprises – As long as they’re good!

Shyness – It can be really cute

Quiet Places – I do like librariesLoud Places – I used to, but now they drive me nuts

Dimples – I think of Cabbage Patch dolls when I think of these, but they’re ok

Glasses – Love!

Scars – Scars represent overcoming something, so love them

Games – I play Nancy Drew video games, but I’m not really a game night kind of girl, but I don’t like mental games!

Comic Books – Depends on the kind. I used to like Calvin and Hobbes, Foxtrot, and Cathy

What is your motto?

Expect miracles

See you on the other side!


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