SEXPO came...
SEXPO came with a bang! (Oh, I love my puns) But seriously it was amazing, I loved it and I wish there was more of these types of events...
SEXPO is coming...
It is almost SEXPO time again and that is the time of the year that I get so madly excited, it might even seem that I found a...
The #GratefulAuthor Event
If you missed the event on Facebook or Twitter (what is that saying about living under a rock? Kidding!), but I am posting my awesome...
My (unsightly) dilemma...
I'm gonna fall right into the deep end. Recently I got glasses...and the world is so fucking beautiful when you can see! my...
I just had to share this...
Click on the photo for the source... Now, if I had ever been guilty of using any of these I apologise, but some are seriously just...
About me attempting a blog...
Got the message? Great, I'm making muffins on my motherboard! #dog #noidea #muffins